How to Clean and Maintain Rechargeable BTE Hearing Aids

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Rechargeable BTE Hearing Aids

Troubleshooting common issues with rechargeable BTE hearing aids is essential for maintaining optimal performance. One common issue that users may encounter is low volume output. If you find that the sound produced by your hearing aid is suddenly too low, first ensure that the device is turned on and the volume is appropriately set. If the volume is still insufficient, check for any blockages in the microphone or receiver that may be affecting sound transmission.

Another frequent problem with rechargeable BTE hearing aids is distorted sound quality. If you notice that the sound from your device is not clear or sounds distorted, try cleaning the microphone and receiver openings with a soft, dry cloth. Dust or debris accumulation in these areas can adversely impact sound clarity. Additionally, ensure that the hearing aid is properly positioned and inserted in your ear to avoid sound distortion caused by poor placement.

How to Handle Water Damage

Water damage can be a common issue for rechargeable behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. If your device comes into contact with water, it is essential to act swiftly to prevent any long-term damage. The first step is to immediately power off the hearing aid and remove it from your ear. Use a dry cloth to gently pat the device and remove any excess moisture on the surface.

Once the visible moisture has been removed, open the battery door and allow the hearing aid to air dry. Avoid using a hairdryer or placing the device in direct sunlight, as this may cause further damage. It is recommended to leave the hearing aid in a dry, well-ventilated area for at least 24 hours to ensure that all moisture evaporates. If you are concerned about the water damage or if the hearing aid does not function properly after drying, it is essential to contact your audiologist for professional assistance.

Professional Cleaning Services for Rechargeable BTE Hearing Aids

Professional cleaning services for rechargeable BTE hearing aids offer a convenient and thorough solution for maintaining the functionality and lifespan of your device. These services are typically provided by audiologists or specialised hearing healthcare professionals who have the expertise and tools necessary to ensure a deep clean without causing damage to delicate components. By entrusting your device to professionals for cleaning, you can have peace of mind knowing that it will be handled with care and attention to detail.

During a professional cleaning service for rechargeable BTE hearing aids, the provider will use specialised tools to remove built-up debris, wax, and moisture from the device. They may also inspect the components for any signs of wear or damage that could affect performance. Additionally, professional cleaning services often include a thorough check of the device's settings and functionality to ensure that it is working optimally. Overall, investing in professional cleaning services can help extend the life of your rechargeable BTE hearing aid and ensure that you are getting the best possible performance from your device.

When to Seek Assistance

If you encounter persistent issues with your rechargeable BTE hearing aid despite trying various troubleshooting steps, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Common problems such as distorted sound, malfunctioning controls, or inconsistent battery life could indicate underlying issues that require expert attention.

Additionally, if you notice physical damage to your device, such as cracks, moisture ingress, or loose parts, it is crucial to consult a hearing healthcare professional promptly. Attempting to repair or modify the device yourself could further damage it, leading to more extensive and costly repairs in the long run. Seeking timely assistance from a qualified professional can help ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your rechargeable BTE hearing aid.

DIY Repairs for Rechargeable BTE Hearing Aids

When it comes to DIY repairs for your rechargeable BTE hearing aids, there are a few basic tasks you can carry out at home to ensure their optimal functioning. One common maintenance task is changing the wax guards regularly. Wax guards help prevent earwax and debris from clogging the sound outlet, which can affect the quality of sound produced by the hearing aids. To change the wax guards, simply remove the old guard using the provided tool or a small brush, and then replace it with a new one according to the manufacturer's instructions.

In addition to changing the wax guards, another important DIY repair is cleaning the hearing aid thoroughly. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe down the exterior of the device to remove any dust or dirt build-up. Be cautious not to use any liquids or cleaning solutions as they may damage the sensitive components of the hearing aid. It is also recommended to regularly check the tubing for any blockages and clear them using a specialised tool if necessary. By incorporating these simple maintenance tasks into your routine, you can help prolong the lifespan and performance of your rechargeable BTE hearing aids.

Changing Wax Guards

To change the wax guards on your rechargeable BTE hearing aids, you will need to follow a few simple steps. Start by removing the old wax guard using the provided tool or a pair of tweezers. Take care not to damage the receiver while doing this. Once the old guard is removed, gently clean the area around the receiver using a soft brush or cloth to ensure there is no wax residue left behind.

After cleaning the area, take a new wax guard and carefully insert it into the receiver. Make sure it is securely in place to prevent any wax from entering the device. It is recommended to change the wax guards regularly, about once a month, to maintain the optimal performance of your hearing aids. By following these steps, you can effectively keep your rechargeable BTE hearing aids in good working condition and enjoy clear sound quality.


How often should I clean my rechargeable BTE hearing aids?

It is recommended to clean your rechargeable BTE hearing aids daily to prevent wax buildup and maintain optimal performance.

Can I clean my rechargeable BTE hearing aids with water?

No, it is not recommended to clean your rechargeable BTE hearing aids with water as it can damage the electronic components. Instead, use a dry cloth or a specialised cleaning tool.

How should I store my rechargeable BTE hearing aids when not in use?

Store your rechargeable BTE hearing aids in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and moisture. It is best to keep them in a protective case when not in use.

How can I prevent wax buildup in my rechargeable BTE hearing aids?

Regularly check and clean the wax guards of your rechargeable BTE hearing aids to prevent wax buildup. You can also schedule professional cleaning services to ensure thorough maintenance.

What should I do if my rechargeable BTE hearing aids are not working properly?

If you experience any issues with your rechargeable BTE hearing aids, such as decreased sound quality or connectivity problems, consult the troubleshooting section in the user manual or seek assistance from a professional audiologist.

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