How to clean and maintain Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When encountering issues with your Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid, it's essential to troubleshoot common problems before seeking professional assistance. One common problem users face is weak or distorted sound output. This could be due to the earwax buildup in the speaker or receiver. To address this, gently clean the speaker using a wax removal tool provided by your audiologist.

Another common issue is feedback or whistling sounds coming from the hearing aid. This could be caused by improper fitting of the device or a build-up of debris around the microphone. Ensure that the earpiece is comfortably and securely placed in your ear. If feedback persists, carefully clean the microphone area using a soft, dry cloth. If problems persist after troubleshooting, it may be necessary to consult your audiologist for further assistance.

Checking for Battery Corrosion

Checking for battery corrosion is an essential step in maintaining the functionality of your Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid. Corrosion can occur due to a variety of factors, including moisture exposure and battery leakage. To inspect for battery corrosion, start by removing the battery from the device. Visually examine the battery compartment for any signs of a white, powdery substance or rust. If corrosion is present, it is crucial to clean it promptly to prevent further damage to the device.

When cleaning battery corrosion, use a soft cloth or cotton swab dampened with a small amount of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Gently wipe away any visible corrosion from the battery compartment, ensuring not to let any liquid seep into the device. Once the corrosion is removed, allow the compartment to dry completely before inserting a new battery. Regularly checking for battery corrosion and promptly addressing any issues can help prolong the lifespan of your RIC hearing aid and ensure optimal performance.

Professional Maintenance Services

When it comes to ensuring the optimal functionality of your Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid, seeking professional maintenance services on a regular basis is crucial. Audiologists and hearing aid specialists possess the expertise and tools necessary to conduct thorough cleaning and inspections that are often beyond the scope of what can be achieved at home. By entrusting your RIC hearing aid to qualified professionals, you can rest assured that any underlying issues or potential concerns are properly addressed.

Professional maintenance services also offer the benefit of fine-tuning and adjusting your RIC hearing aid to suit your specific hearing needs. These adjustments can make a significant difference in your overall hearing experience, ensuring that you are getting the most out of your device. Additionally, professionals can provide guidance on the proper usage and care of your RIC hearing aid, helping you to maximise its lifespan and maintain optimal performance for years to come.

Scheduling Regular Checkups

Regular check-ups are vital to ensure that your RIC hearing aids are functioning optimally. It is recommended to schedule appointments with your audiologist every six months for a thorough evaluation. During these check-ups, your audiologist will inspect your devices for any signs of wear and tear and make any necessary adjustments to improve performance.

In addition to routine maintenance, regular check-ups also allow your audiologist to monitor your hearing health and make any adjustments to your RIC hearing aids based on any changes in your hearing. These appointments are an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your devices or general hearing health, ensuring that you continue to benefit from the best possible hearing experience.

Extending the Lifespan of Your RIC Hearing Aid

To maintain the optimal functionality of your Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid and extend its lifespan, proper handling and care are crucial. Ensure that you handle your device with clean hands to prevent any dirt or debris from entering the sensitive components. Avoid exposing your RIC hearing aid to extreme temperatures or moisture, as these can damage the internal circuitry and batteries.

Regular cleaning is essential to prevent wax buildup, which can clog the receiver and impact sound quality. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe down the exterior of the hearing aid daily. Additionally, brush the microphone ports and receiver tubing carefully to remove any debris. By incorporating these simple maintenance practices into your routine, you can significantly prolong the lifespan of your RIC hearing aid and enjoy clear, consistent sound quality for longer durations.

Proper Handling and Care

Proper handling and care of your Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid is crucial to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Always make sure to handle your device with clean hands to prevent dirt, oils, and debris from affecting its components. When not in use, store your RIC hearing aid in its designated case to protect it from moisture and dust.

Regularly clean your hearing aid using a soft, dry cloth to remove any build-up or residue. Avoid using water or cleaning agents as they may damage the delicate electronics inside the device. Additionally, be gentle when handling your RIC hearing aid to prevent any accidental damage or dislodgement of the components. Proper care and maintenance will not only extend the lifespan of your device but also ensure that you continue to enjoy clear and crisp sound quality.


How often should I clean my Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid?

It is recommended to clean your RIC hearing aid daily to prevent wax buildup and maintain optimal performance.

Can I use water to clean my RIC hearing aid?

No, it is not recommended to use water to clean your RIC hearing aid as it can damage the internal components. Use a dry, soft cloth or a specialized cleaning tool instead.

What should I do if my RIC hearing aid is not working properly?

If you are experiencing issues with your RIC hearing aid, try changing the battery first. If the problem persists, contact your audiologist for further assistance.

How can I prevent battery corrosion in my RIC hearing aid?

To prevent battery corrosion, always remove the battery from your RIC hearing aid when not in use and store it in a dry place. Check for corrosion regularly and replace the battery if needed.

Is professional maintenance necessary for RIC hearing aids?

Yes, it is recommended to schedule regular check-ups with your audiologist for professional maintenance services to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your RIC hearing aid.

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