How to Clean and Maintain In-the-Ear (ITE) Hearing Aids

Handling and Inserting the Hearing Aid

When handling your in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid, it is essential to take care and be gentle in your actions. Before inserting the device into your ear, make sure your hands are clean and dry to avoid any potential damage or dirt getting into the device. Hold the hearing aid carefully with a firm grip, but be cautious not to apply excessive force that could lead to breakage.

To insert an ITE hearing aid, gently position it in your ear canal and adjust it until it fits comfortably. Ensure the hearing aid is securely placed in your ear to prevent it from falling out or causing discomfort. If you experience any difficulties in inserting the device, do not force it. Instead, seek guidance from your audiologist on the correct technique to ensure proper placement and optimal performance of your ITE hearing aid.

Avoiding moisture exposure

When it comes to the maintenance of in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids, one of the crucial aspects to consider is avoiding exposure to moisture. Moisture can damage the delicate components of the hearing aid, leading to malfunctions and reduced lifespan. To prevent moisture from affecting your device, it is recommended to remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming, or engaging in water-related activities. Additionally, when storing your ITE hearing aids, ensure they are kept in a dry and cool place to minimise the risk of condensation building up inside the device.

Moreover, it's important to avoid wearing your hearing aids in humid environments for prolonged periods as this can also contribute to moisture accumulation. If you live in a humid climate or are travelling to such an area, consider using a dehumidifier or a hearing aid dryer to eliminate any excess moisture from your device. By taking these precautions, you can help preserve the functionality and longevity of your in-the-ear hearing aids.

Professional Cleaning and Maintenance

It is essential to remember that regular cleaning and maintenance of in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids is crucial to ensure their optimal performance and longevity. To effectively clean your ITE hearing aid, start by removing the device from your ear carefully. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe down the exterior of the device, removing any visible debris or earwax. Take care not to use water or cleaning solutions directly on the hearing aid, as this can damage the delicate components. Additionally, consider using a wax pick or brush provided by your audiologist to clean the sound outlet and microphone ports.

Aside from daily cleaning, professional maintenance by your audiologist is recommended on a regular basis to keep your ITE hearing aid in top working condition. Your audiologist has the expertise and tools to conduct a more thorough cleaning and check for any issues that may affect the performance of the device. During these appointments, the audiologist will also inspect the hearing aid for any signs of wear and tear, ensuring early detection of potential problems. By adhering to a schedule of professional cleaning and maintenance, you can prolong the lifespan of your ITE hearing aid and maintain clear and consistent sound quality.

Importance of regular checkups

Regular check-ups for your in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids are crucial for ensuring their optimal performance. During these appointments, a hearing care professional will inspect your devices for any signs of wear and tear, as well as clean and adjust them as needed. These routine checks can help prevent potential issues before they escalate, ultimately prolonging the lifespan of your hearing aids.

Moreover, regular visits to your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist allow for any necessary fine-tuning or adjustments to be made to ensure that your ITE hearing aids are providing you with the best possible sound quality. Through these check-ups, any changes in your hearing can also be addressed promptly, leading to timely adjustments in your devices to accommodate your evolving needs. By committing to regular check-ups, you are investing in the longevity and effectiveness of your hearing aids.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

An annoying issue that many users encounter with in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids is feedback problems. This occurs when the sound from the hearing aid is re-amplified and causes a high-pitched whistling noise. One common reason for feedback problems is improper insertion of the device in the ear canal. Ensure that the hearing aid is fitting snugly in the ear and not causing any air gaps that can lead to feedback.

Another common issue that users face is muffled or distorted sound coming from the ITE hearing aid. This could be due to a wax buildup in the device or in the ear canal. To address this problem, carefully clean the hearing aid using a soft, dry cloth and remove any wax buildup using a cleaning tool provided by your audiologist. If the issue persists, consult your audiologist for further assistance in resolving the sound distortion or muffled audio problem.

Addressing feedback problems

Feedback problems can be a common issue with in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids. When you hear a high-pitched squeal or whistling sound, it indicates feedback. This can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to address this problem. Firstly, ensure that the hearing aid is properly inserted in your ear. Sometimes a loose fit can cause feedback.

Another solution is to check for excessive earwax buildup, as this can also contribute to feedback. Clean your ear and hearing aid thoroughly to remove any obstruction. If the problem persists, consult your audiologist to see if adjustments can be made to the settings of your hearing aid to prevent feedback. Regular maintenance and care can go a long way in reducing feedback issues and ensuring a more comfortable experience with your ITE hearing aid.


How often should I clean my in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids?

It is recommended to clean your ITE hearing aids daily to prevent wax buildup and maintain optimal performance.

Can I use water to clean my ITE hearing aids?

It is best to avoid using water directly on ITE hearing aids as moisture can damage the delicate components. Instead, use a dry cloth or a specialized cleaning tool recommended by your audiologist.

Why is professional cleaning and maintenance important for ITE hearing aids?

Professional cleaning and maintenance help in removing stubborn debris, ensuring proper functioning of the devices, and extending their lifespan. Regular check-ups also allow for early detection of any issues.

What should I do if my ITE hearing aids are experiencing feedback problems?

If you are experiencing feedback issues with your ITE hearing aids, try reinserting them properly, ensuring a secure fit. If the problem persists, consult your audiologist for further troubleshooting and adjustment.

How can I prevent moisture exposure to my ITE hearing aids?

To avoid moisture exposure, remove your ITE hearing aids before showering, swimming, or engaging in activities that may cause excessive sweating. Store the devices in a dry, ventilated container when not in use.

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